Roger Stern, Enkel von Hugo Stern, hat als Alum­ni an sei­ner ehe­ma­li­gen Uni­ver­si­tät in Chi­ca­go einen kur­zen Bericht über die Namens­er­wei­te­rung unse­rer Schu­le ver­fasst. Er nahm mit sei­ner Frau, sei­ner Cou­si­ne und des­sen Toch­ter an der Fei­er­lich­keit zur Namens­er­wei­te­rung teil.

“And final­ly, Roger Stern wri­tes, “In Novem­ber 2022, Vicki and I hel­pedce­le­bra­te the naming of a new secon­da­ry school in the remo­te, rustic town of Ruthen in West­pha­lia in honor of my grand­fa­ther Hugo Stern, Ruthen is whe­re the Ger­man Jewish side of my fami­ly resi­ded for hundreds of years.

My grand­fa­ther Hugo Stern, born in Ruthen in 1889, was amem­ber of the regio­nal judi­cial bar, ulti­m­ate­ly ser­ving as adis­trict judge in the Essen Regio­nal Court until his employ­ment was abrupt­ly ter­mi­na­ted in 1933. After spen­ding the war years in Cuba and Cleve­land in non­leg­al occu­pa­ti­ons, he was reac­cept­ed and gra­du­al­ly rose to be rein­sta­ted as a dis­trict judge in Dus­sel­dorf in the 1950s. Hugo Stern died in 1958 and was the last Jew buried in the beau­tiful Jewish ceme­tery in Ruthen, which is over 400 years old and is con­side­red the oldest ceme­tery in West­pha­lia. The local school­child­ren in Ruthen rese­ar­ched and nomi­na­ted Hugo Stern to be the school’s name­sa­ke. Ruthen’s ges­tu­re in naming the Pri­va­te Sekun­dar­schu­le in honor of my grand­fa­ther Hugo Stern was deep­ly meaningful to me and my fami­ly, inclu­ding our daugh­ter Kelly
Stern, ’20, and would have meant a lot to my dad, Hen­ry Stern, ’50. Hugo Stern was adis­tin­gu­is­hed jurist. While his love of coun­try and his town was betray­ed, the school naming repre­sen­ted ages­tu­re of respect and love to Hugo.

“The town was quite gene­rous and kind to us, and its action was con­sis­tent with Ruthen’s for­mal­ly adop­ting an ethi­cal cul­tu­re of remem­brance. If you ever get ach­an­ce, visit the Pri­vat Sekun­dar­schu­le in Ruthen, in the West­pha­li­an regi­on of Ger­ma­ny. It is quite beau­tiful, and you will not be dis­ap­poin­ted. Also, the local beer is deli­cious, much bet­ter than Jimmy’s or the Tiki Lounge! The school main­ta­ins exten­si­ve mate­ri­als regar­ding Hugo Stern, inclu­ding Hugo’s memoirs, on its website.” ”

Chi­ca­go Law — The Uni­ver­si­ty of Chi­ca­go Law School Record. Fall 2023. Alum­ni Class Notes. S. 62